Freedom Renewed
There is a Crisis in the Land...
That’s obvious, everyone knows it—Life comes at us really fast at times, and we all want to avoid a destructive crisis of some kind getting a grip on our life—isn’t that right? We want FREEDOM – but, it can be so elusive and difficult to acquire, even for seasoned Christians—So, how about you?
Freedom Renewed
Is There A Crisis In Your Mind?
Do you struggle with your thought life, producing more chaos in your life, than
you and God would like? Truth is, whether your life has just veered
off course by a little, or even if you need a total spiritual life overhaul...
You’ll need a very effective plan to get back in control, and on the right track.
Freedom Renewed
Gods’ Gift of Freedom
Thrive More, Strive Less, and Thoroughly Enjoy Life. Overcome every obstacle to FREEDOM—maybe it’s just a little stress, or a lot of worry, a bad habit, or even a destructive addiction. You will Fly Beyond Every Struggle and Feel Your Spirit Soar...!
Capture It…Own It…Live It!
Freedom Renewed
A New Plan – A New Book
Now Available – I wrote this book for all those individuals, from 16 to over 60, who are discovering that willpower, and reading the bible, self-improvement & other relevant resources, combined with church attendance, have not been sufficient to provide, or maintain, the joy and fulfillment in life, that they are seeking.

We are all vulnerable. We are all at risk.
We all face struggles and temptations, from every walk of life—including all Christians, and especially, Christian leaders. Every one of us have at least one behavior, habit, or lifestyle issue that we want to prevail over—we want to get rid of it. We all grapple with this personally in some way, or, we know and care deeply about someone who is having to plow through a rough patch, or a difficult season of life.
God knows very well just how easy it is for any of us to become entangled in some kind of, freedom robbing behavior, and also, what it takes to throw it off and stay clear of it.
However, it turns out this is much easier said than done.
In fact, many Christians possess sufficient intellectual knowledge of what they need to do. Knowledge of the biblical truth designed to set them free, or keep them free, is not their main issue. They have discovered, much to their dismay, that the discipline, willpower, habits, and their overall life plan is not as effective as it needs to be—it just isn’t working very well. Try as they might, their numerous attempts to overcome bad habits—even insignificant bad habits, or worse behavior, fall short of success. So, do you know somebody who is struggling like this? How about you?
Considerable research has convinced me over the years that a significant percentage of Christians are experiencing cycles and seasons of misery in their lifestyles—quite often because they simply failed to seriously confront, and stop, a seemingly trivial habit, from growing into a serious threat, to the joy and fulfillment of their life—they just didn’t see it coming—that’s why I have developed so much passion, and dogged-determination, to design this powerful freedom renewed program, and then meticulously weave it into the pages of this book.